Why do you call me saying : « Lord! Lord ! » and don’t you do what I say ?
Posté par diaconos le 12 septembre 2020
From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke
At that time, Jesus said to his disciples : « A good tree does not bear rotten fruit; neither does a rotten tree bear good fruit. Each tree can be recognised by its fruit: figs are not picked from thorns, nor are grapes from brambles. The good man draws good from the treasure of his heart, which is good ; and the evil man draws evil from his heart, which is evil: for what the mouth says is that which overflows from the heart.
And why do you call me, saying, « Lord! Lord! » and do not you do as I say ? Whoever comes to me, hears my words and does them, I will show you whom he is like. He is like the one who builds a house. He dug very deep and laid the foundations on the rock. When the flood came, the torrent rushed down on this house, but it could not shake it because it was well built.
But the one who listened and did not put it into practice resembles the one who built his house on the ground, without foundations. The torrent rushed over it, and immediately it collapsed; the destruction of this house was complete. (Lk 6, 43-49)
How to do good to a brother who produces bad fruit ?
How can we claim to do good to our brother as long as he produces bad fruit ? This tree is an image of the moral corruption of man. We often see in Palestine, behind the hedges of thorns and brambles, fig trees all garlanded with the climbing sprays of vine stocks. (Bucket)
Jesus explained the image above : it is from the heart that the sources of life, that is to say, good or evil, proceed. Words, and in general all the actions we perform, come from the heart. Here again this thought is linked to the warning given to the man who claims to teach his brother.
In Matthew (Matthew 12:34) the same sentence is found, but applied to men who abused the word to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. He had many of these short and penetrating sentences that Jesus had to pronounce on more than one occasion.
« Every man who comes to me and hears »… Every one who listened to Jesus was responsible for the effects of the divine word. How aware Jesus was that his words were the words of God himself !
On the sloping land surrounding the lake of Génézareth there are hillsides where a thin layer of earth (Luke) or sand (Matthew) covers the rock. The prudent man digs through this loose ground and even digs deep into the rock… (Bucket)
Woe betide anyone who stops at the surface ! The elements that threatened this house were, according to Luke, a flood, forming a torrent coming down from the mountains. Matthew was more complete and more picturesque : it was the rain that fell, the torrents that overflowed, the winds that blew and rushed on this house. All this could not even shake it, because it was well built.
The unwise man built on the earth (Luke); Matthew, more expressively : on the sand. Luke paints the sudden ruin (Greek tear) of this house with this word: immediately. Both Luke and Matthew had this final remark: Great is this destruction !
One lost soul, just one, is a great ruin in the eyes of God. This is the solemn thought under which Jesus leaves his listeners at the end of this speech. Each one of them heard the crash of the building that collapsed and had to say to himself: This disaster will be mine, if I am inconsistent or hypocritical. (Bucket)
Deacon Michel Houyoux
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Links to Christian websites
◊ Bible.org :click here to read the paper→ Lesson 28: Why Obedience is Not Optional
◊ Bible Hub :click here to read the paper→ Luke 6:46 Commentaries: « Why do you call Me,
♥ The Questioning Christ : « Why Do You Call Me ‘Lord, Lord’ But Don’t Do What I Say? »
Publié dans comportements, Disciples de Jésus, Page jeunesse, Religion, Temps ordinaire | Pas de Commentaire »