The Son of Man will be delivered into the hands of men. The disciples were afraid to ask him about this word.
Posté par diaconos le 26 septembre 2020
From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke
At that time, as everyone was in awe of everything he did, Jesus said to his disciples : « Open your ears to what I am saying to you now : the Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men. « But the disciples did not understand this word ; it was veiled from them, so that they did not perceive its meaning, and they were afraid to ask him about it. (Lk 9, 43b-45).
Humility and tolerance
Jesus insisted to his disciples that he had to be handed over. They did not understand and were afraid to question him. The disciples wondered which of them was the greatest. Jesus presented them with a little child and said that whoever received this child received him and received God. The smallest was the greatest.
John confessed that they prevented a man from casting out demons in the name of Jesus because he was not one of them. Jesus said that they should not have prevented him, because he who is not against them is for them.
For you, my disciples, who must distinguish yourselves from the multitude and not share his carnal enthusiasm, put these words in your ears ; words in which Jesus announced his coming sufferings, at the very moment when everyone was in awe of what he did.
Luke thus placed this new prediction of Jesus’ sufferings in immediate relation to the above ; Matthew and Mark made it coincide with Jesus’ return to Galilee, which took place shortly after the transfiguration.
The one who had just revealed God’s greatness with as much power as love, delivered into the hands of men! What a contrast ! What proof that his sacrifice will be perfectly voluntary !
The word of the cross is always a mystery to the natural man, if it is not madness or scandal to him. Here, not only did the disciples not understand it, but it was hidden from them by a dispensation from God, so that they would not grasp it.
Their blindness led to a kind of judgment by God. For their ignorance was not purely intellectual, but had moral causes; they understood Jesus’ words well enough to be very saddened by them, but in their fear of suffering, they were afraid to ask him about these words. If they had had the courage to question him, Jesus would have instructed them more fully.
Deacon Michel Houyoux
Links to other Christian websites
◊ Announcement of Jesus’ arrest : click here to read the paper → The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men
◊ Son of Man : click here to read the paper → The Underground Theologian
Preaching of the pastor Steve Orsillo ; « Delivered into Our Hands »
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