Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time in year A
Posté par diaconos le 25 octobre 2020
From the Gospel according to Saint Matthew
At that time, the Pharisees, learning that Jesus had closed his mouth to the Sadducees, gathered together, and one of them, a doctor of the Law, asked Jesus a question to put him to the test: « Teacher, in the Law, what is the great commandment ? » Jesus replied, : « « You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great, the first commandment. And the second is like it: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments depends the whole Law and the Prophets. (Mt 22, 34-40)
You shall love the Lord your God as yourself. O Lord, increase my faith in your presence and your commandments, my hope in your promises and my love in your holy Name! Today, I would like to open my heart to your love to learn to love as you command me.
O Jesus, teach me to love in all directions! Really love God in my neighbour and my neighbour in God! To love with the same feelings of Christ towards me ! « You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself »
Today, the Church gives us a summary of our vital option . « Everything in Scripture – in the Law and the Prophets – depends on these two commandments »: Mt 22, 40). St. Matthew and St. Mark put this phrase on the lips of Jesus Christ ; St. Luke, on those of a Pharisee. Each time, it is a dialogue . « Master, in the Law, what is the great commandment ? «
The Pharisees, on learning that Christ had closed his mouth to the Sadducees , decided to put him to the test. They no doubt wanted to assert their authority in the face of the defeat of the Sadducees. This question arose more out of a spirit of competition than out of a genuine concern for conversion. Our meditation sometimes takes this intellectual path, disconnected from the sinuous paths of our spiritual life or our heart: to follow the will of God in the Ten Commandments without allowing ourselves to be surprised by the action of God and that of our neighbour in the daily routine of life in the most intimate part of our heart.
The Law, instead of inviting us to holiness, paralyses us in a situation of narcissistic intellectual perfectionism. If the Pharisees know the 613 laws of the Torah, Jesus will show them what the two main ones are: Christ does not respond with the great commandment, but with the great, the first and the second that is like him. They are like the faces of the same coin. .
- Love is a verb that is increasingly misunderstood. To love God with all one’s heart, with all one’s soul and with all one’s mind becomes an even more distant commandment for the man of our culture accustomed to useful and pragmatic relationships. How can I love God if I have never seen him? Jesus answers us with the second commandment that is similar to him: love your neighbour as yourself. He will also tell us in another way : « Amen, I say to you: whenever you did it to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me. » (Mt 25, 40).
The Lord reminds us of this law from chapter 19 of Leviticus in verse 18 after having stated a series of duties towards the poorest. The way we love our neighbour is the way we love ourselves. Where does this love for ourselves come from ? From ourselves ? Is it possible to love oneself ? In fact love of oneself is given in a relationship with a greater love, because it is impossible to be both the subject and the recipient of one’s own love, one would create a short circuit in oneself.
To love oneself, one must learn to open oneself to a greater and more intense love, the love of the Father who generates us in the Son. Love of neighbour follows this same law. Christ shows that they are more than the two greatest commandments, because they are the indispensable and principal commandments on which not only all the others depend (the law so dear to the Pharisees), but also the prophets. The Pharisees are put at a disadvantage by this last precision, because the prophets do not put them at ease.
Following the Law meticulously is simpler than waiting for the Messiah as the prophets announced. Doesn’t our Christian life sometimes run the risk of sailing down a long, quiet and monotonous river, as if asleep in a rigid and demanding conscience made up of rules and precepts without life and hope ?
Jesus today invites us to return to the essence of our faith : to love God and love our neighbour as ourselves, knowing that this love is not the fruit of our efforts and our impeccable and perfect plans, but that it comes from God if we allow ourselves to be surprised and guided by the Law and the prophets, and that it comes from God if we allow ourselves to be surprised and guided by the Law and the prec
O Lord, teach me to love God our Father as you have loved him! Open my heart to his Law and his Prophets who invite me to convert in order to love more and better. Do not allow me to wander in the deserts of selfishness: teach me to give myself with the strength and courage of your Holy Spirit! Let us be attentive to our neighbour and carry out a brief examination of conscience in the afternoon to ask the Lord to pour into my heart the love of the Father sufficient to love him as myself.
To love oneself, one must learn to open oneself to a greater and more intense love, the love of the Father who generates us in the Son. Love of neighbour follows this same law. Christ shows that they are more than the two greatest commandments, because they are the indispensable and principal commandments on which not only all the others depend (the law so dear to the Pharisees), but also the prophets. The Pharisees are put at a disadvantage by this last precision, because the prophets do not put them at ease.
Following the Law meticulously is simpler than waiting for the Messiah as the prophets announced. Doesn’t our Christian life sometimes run the risk of sailing down Jesus today invites us to return to the essence of our faith: to love God and love our neighbour as ourselves, knowing that this love is not the fruit of our efforts and our impeccable and perfect plans, but that it comes from God if we allow ourselves to be surprised and guided by the Law and the prophets.
O Lord, teach me to love God our Father as you have loved him! Open my heart to his Law and his Prophets who invite me to convert in order to love more and better. Do not allow me to wander in the deserts of selfishness: teach me to give myself with the strength and courage of your Holy Spirit! Let us be attentive to our neighbour and carry out a brief examination of conscience in the afternoon to ask the Lord to pour into my heart the love of the Father sufficient to love him as myself.
Let us be attentive to our neighbour and carry out a brief examination of conscience in the afternoon to ask the Lord to pour into my heart the love of the Father sufficient to love him as myself. To love oneself, one must learn to open oneself to a greater and more intense love, the love of the Father who generates us in the Son.
Love of neighbour follows this same law. Christ shows that they are more than the two greatest commandments, because they are the indispensable and principal commandments on which not only all the others depend (the law so dear to the Pharisees), but also the prophets. The Pharisees are put at a disadvantage by this last precision, because the prophets do not put them at ease.
Following the Law meticulously is simpler than waiting for the Messiah as the prophets announced. Doesn’t our Christian life sometimes run the risk of sailing down Jesus today invites us to return to the essence of our faith : to love God and love our neighbour as ourselves, knowing that this love is not the fruit of our efforts and our impeccable and perfect plans, but that it comes from God if we allow ourselves to be surprised and guided by the Law and the prophets.
O Lord, teach me to love God our Father as you have loved him! Open my heart to his Law and his Prophets who invite me to convert in order to love more and better. Do not allow me to wander in the deserts of selfishness: teach me to give myself with the strength and courage of your Holy Spirit !
Let us be attentive to our neighbour and carry out a brief examination of conscience in the afternoon to ask the Lord to pour into my heart the love of the Father sufficient to love him as myself.
◊ Deacon Michel Houyoux : click here to read the paper → Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A
Links to other Christian sites on the web
◊ Augustinians : click here to read the paper → Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A
◊ Father Valan : click here to read the paper → Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A)
♥ Fr. Henry Omonisaye, CMF
Publié dans Religion, Temps ordinaire | Pas de Commentaire »