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Mercoledì 23 dicembre 2020

Posté par diaconos le 23 décembre 2020

Nascita di Giovanni Battista

Mercredi 23 décembre 2020 dans Catéchèse fVWmB7GMoLTMctpdMME0N8Wtny8

 Giovanni Battista, il cui nome di nascita era Yohanan, è una figura di spicco del cristianesimo e dell’islam. La sua esistenza è attestata da un passo di Flavio Giuseppe, era un predicatore ebreo al tempo di Gesù di Nazareth. Giovanni localizzò l’attività del Battista sulle rive del fiume Giordano e a Betania. Si dice che Gesù abbia vissuto per un certo tempo nel suo ambiente e vi abbia reclutato i suoi primi discepoli. I Vangeli sinottici sincronizzano l’inizio dell’attività di Gesù con la prigionia di Giovanni.

L’udienza di Giovanni Battista crebbe costantemente, tanto che Erode Antipa, vedendolo radunare i suoi seguaci, temeva che potesse scatenare una rivoluzione. Il Battista fu messo a morte perché criticava il matrimonio di Antipa con Erodiade.

Nel cristianesimo, Giovanni Battista è il profeta che ha annunciato la venuta di Gesù di Nazareth. Lo battezzò sulle rive del fiume Giordano, permettendo ad alcuni dei suoi discepoli di unirsi a lui. Precursore del Messia, è presentato nei sinottici come uno che condivide molti tratti con il profeta Elia.

La Chiesa lo ha canonizzato e gli ha dedicato due feste: il 24 giugno, che commemora la sua nascita, fissata sei mesi prima di Natale, e il 29 agosto, che celebra la memoria della sua morte. La religione mandea ne fece il suo principale profeta. È considerato dall’Islam un profeta discendente dall’Iran.

Vangelo di Gesù Cristo secondo San Luca

Quando si è compiuto il momento in cui Elisabetta doveva partorire, ha dato alla luce un figlio. I suoi vicini e la sua famiglia hanno saputo che il Signore le aveva mostrato la grandezza della Sua misericordia e si sono rallegrati con lei.     L’ottavo giorno sono venuti per la circoncisione del bambino. Volevano chiamarlo Zacharias, come il nome di suo padre. Ma sua madre rispose e disse : « No, il suo nome si chiamerà Giovanni ». Le hanno detto : « Nessuno nella tua famiglia ha quel nome !  »  Chiesero a suo padre con dei cartelli come voleva chiamarlo. Gli fu data una tavoletta su cui scrisse : « Giovanni è il suo nome ». E tutti erano stupiti. In quel momento la sua bocca si aprì, la sua lingua si sciolse, parlò e benedisse Dio. La paura ha preso tutta la gente del quartiere, e tutta la gente della regione montuosa della Giudea raccontava tutti questi eventi. Tutti coloro che li hanno sentiti li hanno tenuti nel loro cuore e hanno detto: « Cosa sarà questo bambino? « Perché la mano del Signore era con lui. (Lk 1, 57-66)

Il doppio adempimento delle promesse

La prima idea dell’opera di Luca e le circostanze in cui l’ha intrapresa, il fondamento storico del suo racconto, la fonte da cui i suoi predecessori hanno attinto e da cui si è proposto di attingere… Il metodo che ha seguito è stato quello di tornare all’origine, di esporre i fatti in modo completo e coerente.

Il metodo che ha seguito è stato quello di tornare all’inizio, di presentare i fatti in modo completo e coerente, con l’obiettivo di far riconoscere a Teofilo, al quale ha dedicato il suo libro, la certezza del Vangelo e della verità cristiana in cui è stato istruito.

All’epoca della circoncisione, l’ottavo giorno, gli amici della famiglia volevano dare al bambino il nome del padre, ma la madre si oppose, dichiarando che si sarebbe chiamato Giovanni. Zaccaria consultato dai cartelli indicava il nome di Giovanni. Immediatamente la sua lingua si sciolse, e benedisse Dio. L’impressione prodotta da questo evento è stata profonda in tutto il paese. La gente si chiedeva : « Cosa sarà questo bambino ? »

Parlando sotto l’ispirazione dello Spirito, Zaccaria si alzò per contemplare i destini della teocrazia e rese grazie per la venuta della salvezza messianica. Ha benedetto Dio per ciò che ha visitato e riscattato il suo popolo e gli ha dato nel figlio di Maria un potente Salvatore, adempiendo così alle promesse della sua alleanza e compiendo la liberazione del suo popolo, che lo ha servito.

Esprimendo i suoi sentimenti paterni, Zaccaria salutò nel suo bambino il Precursore, che avrebbe insegnato al popolo che la salvezza consiste nel perdono dei peccati; poi tornò al Salvatore: lo celebrò come il sole nascente, che illumina di luce coloro che siedono nelle tenebre e nell’ombra della morte, per condurli sulla via della pace.

Poi è tornato al Salvatore: lo ha celebrato come il sole nascente, che illumina di luce coloro che siedono nelle tenebre e nell’ombra della morte, per condurli sulla via della pace.

Il bambino cresceva nel corpo e nello spirito; rimaneva in ritiro fino al momento di entrare nel suo ministero. La circoncisione avvenne l’ottavo giorno, e al bambino fu dato il suo nome. I genitori e i vicini erano disposti a dare al piccolo il nome del padre. Ma la madre si oppose, perché sapeva dal marito che avrebbe dovuto chiamarsi John.

Alcuni Padri della Chiesa videro nell’azione di Elisabetta un’ispirazione dello Spirito Santo, poiché Zaccaria, che era muto, non poteva dirle il nome della bambina. Come se non fosse ovvio che Zaccaria fosse in grado di comunicare alla moglie tutti i dettagli dell’apparizione dell’angelo e di dirle il nome del bambino come ha fatto in un attimo !

Le tavolette degli anziani erano spesso delle tavole di legno ricoperte di cera su cui erano scritte con uno stile o una sorta di segno distintivo. Zaccaria scrisse: « Giovanni è il suo nome ». Ha parlato, questo è il fatto straordinario notato da Luca. E subito il pio israelita ha suscitato i sentimenti di cui era pieno, con un canto di lode e di ringraziamento.

Lo stupore all’inizio ha lasciato il posto alla paura. Hanno fatto di queste parole l’oggetto della conversazione, le hanno tenute con pietà nel loro cuore e si sono chiesti: « Cosa sarà questo piccolo bambino? « Questa attesa era legittima, perché la potenza protettiva dello Spirito di Dio, di cui era già pieno, era con lui.

Il diacono Michel Houyoux

Link ad altri siti web Cristiani

Scuola di Preghiera : clicca qui per leggere l’articolo → Nascita di Giovanni Battista

◊ La Parola (Italia) : clicca qui per leggere l’articolo →Natività di San Giovanni Battista

Fernando Armellini : « Nativita di San Giovanni Battista – anno B « 

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Publié dans articles en Italien, È tempo di Natale., Religion, Tempo di Natale., Temps de Noël | Pas de Commentaire »

Mercredi 23 décembre 2020

Posté par diaconos le 23 décembre 2020

Naissance de Jean Baptiste

Mercredi 23 décembre 2020 dans Catéchèse fVWmB7GMoLTMctpdMME0N8Wtny8

 Jean Baptiste, de son nom de naissance Yohanan, est un personnage majeur du christianisme et de l’Islam. Son existence est attestée par un passage de Flavius Josèphe, il fut un prédicateur juif du temps de Jésus de Nazareth. Jean   localisa l’activité du Baptiste sur les rives du Jourdain et à Béthanie. Jésus aurait vécu un temps dans son entourage et y recruta ses premiers disciples. Les Évangiles synoptiques synchronisent le début de l’activité de Jésus avec l’emprisonnement de Jean.

L’audience de Jean-Baptiste ne cessa de croître, au point de susciter la réaction d’Hérode Antipas, qui, le voyant rassembler ses partisans, craignit qu’il ne suscita une révolution. Le Baptiste fut mis à mort, parce qu’il critiqua le mariage d’Antipas avec Hérodiade.

Dans le christianisme, Jean le Baptiste est le prophète qui annonça la venue de Jésus de Nazareth. Il le baptisa sur les bords du Jourdain, laissant certains de ses disciples se joindre à lui. Précurseur du Messie, il est présenté dans les synoptiques comme partageant beaucoup de traits avec le prophète Élie.

L’Église le canonisa et lui a consacré deux fêtes : le 24 juin qui commémore sa naissance, fixée six mois avant Noël, et le 29 août qui célèbre la mémoire de sa mort. La religion mandéenne en fait son prophète principal. Il est considéré par l’islam comme un prophète descendant de Îmran

Évangile de Jésus Christ selon saint Luc

Quand fut accompli le temps où Élisabeth devait enfanter, elle mit au monde un fils. Ses voisins et sa famille apprirent que le Seigneur lui avait montré la grandeur de sa miséricorde, et ils se réjouissaient avec elle.     Le huitième jour, ils vinrent pour la circoncision de l’enfant. Ils voulaient l’appeler Zacharie, du nom de son père. Mais sa mère prit la parole et déclara : « Non, il s’appellera Jean. » On lui dit : « Personne dans ta famille ne porte ce nom-là ! » On demandait par signes au père comment il voulait l’appeler. Il se fit donner une tablette sur laquelle il écrivit : « Jean est son nom. » Et tout le monde en fut étonné. À l’instant même, sa bouche s’ouvrit, sa langue se délia : il parlait et il bénissait Dieu. La crainte saisit alors tous les gens du voisinage et, dans toute la région montagneuse de Judée, on racontait tous ces événements. Tous ceux qui les apprenaient les conservaient dans leur cœur et disaient : « Que sera donc cet enfant ? » En effet, la main du Seigneur était avec lui. (Lc 1, 57-66)

Le double accomplissement des promesses

L’idée première du travail de Luc et les circonstances dans lesquelles il l’entreprit, le fondement historique de son récit, la source à laquelle puisèrent ses devanciers et à laquelle il se proposa de puiser lui-même.. La méthode qu’il suivit fut de  remonter à l’origine, exposer les faits d’une manière complète et suivie.

Le but qu’il eut en vue fut de faire reconnaître à Théophile, à qui il dédia son livre, la certitude de l’Évangile et de la vérité chrétienne dans laquelle il fut instruit.

 Au moment de la circoncision, le huitième jour, les amis de la famille voulurent donner à l’enfant le nom de son père, mais la mère s’y opposa, déclarant qu’il sera appelé Jean. Zacharie consulté par signes indiqua le nom de Jean. À l’instant sa langue se délia, et il bénit Dieu. L’impression produite par cet événement fut profonde dans tout le pays. On se demanda : « Que sera donc ce petit enfant ? »

Parlant sous l’inspiration de l’Esprit, Zacharie s’éleva à la contemplation des destinées de la théocratie et rendit grâces pour l’avènement du salut messianique. Il bénit Dieu de ce qu’il visita et racheta son peuple et lui donna dans l’enfant de Marie un puissant Sauveur, accomplissant ainsi les promesses de son alliance et opérant la délivrance de son peuple, qui le servit.

Donnant cours alors à ses sentiments de père, Zacharie salua en son enfant le Précurseur, qui apprendra au peuple que le salut consistera dans le pardon des péchés ; puis il revint au Sauveur : il le célébra comme le soleil levant, qui fait resplendir sa lumière sur ceux qui sont assis dans les ténèbres et l’ombre de la mort, afin de les conduire dans le chemin de la paix.

L’enfant grandit de corps et d’esprit ; il resta dans la retraite jusqu’au moment d’entrer dans son ministère. La circoncision eut lieu le huitième jour, on donna   son nom au petit enfant. Les parents et voisins se disposèrent à donner au petit enfant le nom de son père. Mais la mère s’y opposa, car elle sut par son mari qu’il dut porter le nom de Jean.

Quelques Pères de l’Église virent dans l’action d’Élisabeth une inspiration du Saint-Esprit, attendu que Zacharie, qui fut muet, ne put pas lui dire le nom du petit enfant. Comme s’il ne fut pas évident que Zacharie sut communiquer à sa femme tous les détails de l’apparition de l’ange et lui indiquer le nom de l’enfant de la même manière qu’il le fit dans un instant !

Les tablettes des anciens furent souvent des plaques en bois enduites de cire sur lesquelles on écrivit avec un style ou sorte de poinçon. Zacharie écrivit : « Jean est son nom ». Il parla, voilà le fait extraordinaire noté par  Luc. Et aussitôt le pieux Israélite donna essor aux sentiments dont il fut rempli, par un chant de louange et d’action de grâce.

L’étonnement d’abord éprouvé  fit place à la crainte. On fit de ces paroles, le sujet des entretiens, on les conserva pieusement dans son cœur, et on se demanda : « Que sera ce petit enfant ? »  Cette attente fut légitime, car la puissance protectrice de l’Esprit de Dieu, dont il fut déjà rempli, fut avec lui.

Diacre Michel Houyoux


◊ Diacre Michel Houyoux : cliquez ici pour lire l’article → Saint Jean-Baptiste ◊ Diacre Michel Houyoux : cliquez ici pour lire l’article →  Je veux que, tout de suite, tu me donnes sur un plat la tête de Jean le Baptiste

Liens avec d’autres sites web chrétiens

◊ Idées-Caté : cliquez ici pour lire l’article → La naissance de Jean Baptiste ◊ Regnum Christi : cliquez ici pour lire l’article →  Naissance de Jean-Baptiste

La naissance de Jean-Baptiste

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Publié dans Catéchèse, Page jeunesse, Religion, Temps de Noël | Pas de Commentaire »

The Holy Family – Year B

Posté par diaconos le 23 décembre 2020

Méditation de Mgr Pizzaballa: La Sainte Famille, année B

                       The child grew and grew strong, full of wisdom

 # The circumcision of Jesus is an event narrated in the Gospel according to Luke (2:21): eight days after his birth Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish practice of Milah. The event is commemorated by the Catholic Church of the Ambrosian rite and the Orthodox Church with the corresponding liturgical feast celebrated on 1 January of the Julian calendar, corresponding to 14 January of the universal Gregorian calendar. The Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord is a religious celebration on the eighth day after the birth of Jesus (Christmas Eve). It is observed as the day on which Jesus was circumcised – according to Jewish tradition – and on which he received his name. For believers it is a feast day that celebrates not only Jesus, the « Torah Giver », but also the first time Jesus gave blood for mankind. This demonstrates not only Jesus’ obedience to God, but also the prophecy of Jesus’ resurrection. The feast day is celebrated by the Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church and some churches of the Anglican Communion on 1 January (or 14 January, which corresponds to 1 January in the traditional Julian calendar for those who continue to use it).


# The Holy Family is the name given to the family formed by Jesus of Nazareth and his parents, Mary and Joseph. It is cited as an example by the Catholic Church for all Catholic families. The liturgical feast day celebrating this Holy Family of Nazareth was established by the Church in 1893 and today is the Sunday immediately following Christmas. St Joseph, Mary’s husband, is celebrated on 19 March and St Joseph the Craftsman on 1 May. It is a Canadian monk, François de Laval, who is at the origin of the cult of the Holy Family. In 1660, the monastery of Saint-Joseph du Bessillon had reported miracles on Saint Joseph and Sainte Marie and the parish of Sainte-Famille on the island of Orléans was founded in 1684. In 1665, François de Laval founded the Confrérie de la Sainte Famille, a confraternity that still exists in some parishes in Canada. This cult then spread to the Catholic Church in the 19th century with the support of Pope Leo XIII. The feast of the Holy Family is the patronal feast of the Quebec Seminary. It is particularly venerated in Cotignac (South of France), place of apparition of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Graces.


From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke.

Whem the time prescribed by the Law of Moses for purification was fulfilled, the parents of Jesus brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, according to what is written in the Law : Every first-born male child shall be consecrated to the Lord. They also came to offer the sacrifice prescribed by the law of the Lord: a pair of turtledoves or two doves. Now there was in Jerusalem a man named Simeon.

He was a righteous and religious man, who awaited the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. He had received from the Holy Spirit the announcement that he would not see death until he had seen Christ, the Messiah of the Lord.
Under the action of the Spirit, Simeon came to the Temple. As the parents presented the child Jesus to observe the rite of the Law concerning him, Simeon received him in his arms and blessed God, saying : « Now, O sovereign master, let your servant go in peace, according to your word.

For my eyes have seen the salvation that you are preparing before the peoples : a light that is revealed to the nations and gives glory to your people Israel. « The child’s father and mother were amazed at what was said about him.
Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother : « Behold, this child will bring about the fall and rise of many in Israel. He will be a sign of contradiction – and you will have a sword pierced through your soul – and thus the thoughts that come from the hearts of many will be revealed. « There was also a woman prophet, Hannah, daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher.

She was very old; after seven years of marriage, she had been widowed and had reached the age of eighty-four. She did not stray far from the Temple, serving God day and night in fasting and prayer.
Coming at that very hour, she proclaimed the praises of God and spoke of the child to all who awaited the deliverance of Jerusalem. After completing all that was prescribed by the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their city of Nazareth. The child grew up and grew strong, full of wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. «  (Lk 2, 22-40)

Circumcision and presentation at the temple

Jesus’ parents took him to the temple to fulfil the requirements of the law on the purification of the mother and the consecration of the firstborn. They offered the sacrifice of the poor. Simeon, that righteous and devout man, who awaited salvation and received the promise to see him before he died, came to the temple, led by the Spirit, and received the child in his arms and blessed God.

Simeon expressed his personal feelings: he could leave in peace, because he saw salvation; then he celebrated this salvation that God had prepared, and that was the light of the Gentiles and the glory of Israel.  To the admiration of his father and mother, Simeon responds by prophesying the solution that the Messiah will make, the opposition he will encounter, the great pain he will cause his mother. The purpose of these dispensations will be the manifestation of hidden thoughts.

Anna, this widow, very old and having spent her life in the temple, came to praise God in the presence of all. Mary and Joseph returned to Nazareth, where the child developed physically and spiritually under the action of divine grace. Every male Israelite child had to be circumcised on the eighth day (Genesis 17, 12 ; Leviticus 12, 3). This was the distinctive sign of the covenant God made with Abraham and, like baptism, was the symbol of purification.

It was in this ceremony that the child was given his name : « And when they came on the eighth day to circumcise him, they called him Zachariah, after the name of his father. « ( Lk 1, 59) Jesus, as soon as he enters into life, enters into the covenant of his people; he is subject to circumcision. He was born of a woman and born under the law : « But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, who was formed of a woman and born under the law » (Gal 4, 4). This is how he began to realise his name of Jesus, or Saviour.

Every first-born son was the Lord’s, and was to be devoted exclusively to His service ; but because the tribe of Levi was chosen for this service, all the first-born sons of the other tribes had to be redeemed for money : « For they were given unto me of the children of Israel entirely: I took them for myself instead of all the first-born, of all the first-born sons of Israel.  « (Num 8, 16), so that the divine right may be established and the future head of the family may always remember his obligations.

The mother of Jesus had to offer a lamb as a burnt offering and a young pigeon or a turtledove for sin; but, if her means did not permit, she could substitute this sacrifice with that of two turtledoves or two young pigeons : « When the days of his purification are fulfilled – whether it be a boy or a girl – he shall bring to the door of the tabernacle to meet a lamb in its first year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or a turtledove for a sin offering, and he shall give them to the priest. And the priest must take them to the Lord, and make a deal for her, and she must be made clean by a rite of clean blood. This was the rule for a woman who gave birth to a son or daughter. If she does not have enough to offer a lamb, she shall take two turtledoves or two young pigeons, one for the burnt offering and the other for the sin offering; the priest shall make atonement for her and she shall be cleansed » (Lev 12:6-8).

Jesus’ parents took him to the temple to fulfil the requirements of the law on the purification of the mother and the consecration of the firstborn. They offered the sacrifice of the poor. Simeon, that righteous and devout man, who was waiting for salvation and had received a promise to see him before he died, came to the temple, led by the Spirit, and received the child in his arms and blessed God.

Simeon expressed his personal feelings: he could leave in peace, for he saw salvation; then he celebrated this salvation that God had prepared, and that was the light of the Gentiles and the glory of Israel.  To the admiration of his father and mother, Simeon responds by prophesying the solution that the Messiah will make, the opposition he will encounter, the great pain he will cause his mother. The purpose of these dispensations will be the manifestation of hidden thoughts.

 Simeon is unknown in history; his name means. He was righteous and pious, awaiting the coming of the Saviour. Simeon, Anna, Zechariah, Joseph of Arimathea and others showed that there were humble Israelites ready to welcome the Lord in whatever small form God wanted to manifest Him. The official priesthood did not welcome the Lord who first entered his temple: « Behold, I will send my messenger; he shall prepare the way before me. And suddenly the Lord you seek will enter his temple; and the messenger of the covenant you desire, behold, he comes, says the Lord of hosts » (Ml 3, 1).

A free priesthood, represented by Simeon and Anna, was formed to replace him. The source of Simeon’s religious life was clearly indicated. This preparation took place over the centuries through all the revelations of the Old Covenant. This great salvation for all was divided into two different streams. On the one hand, it is light for the enlightenment of the Gentile nations, for the revelation of the nations which, because of the revelation intended for them, are plunged into the deepest darkness; on the other, it is the glory of the people of Israel who, while participating in this salvation, will have the immortal honour of having given it to the world : « My righteousness draws near, it is not far off, and my salvation will not be long in coming. I will put salvation in Zion and my glory upon Israel. « (Is 46, 13).

Anna was a widow and eighty-four years old, she did not leave the Temple, worshipping with fasts and prayers, night and day. As the daughter of Phanuel, she was known in the Gospel account only by this trait. The word of the prophetess indicates that, like Simeon, she too had received the spirit of prophecy, through which she recognised in the little child the promised Saviour, and with it glorified God.

Luke also reminds us that, after a short marriage, she had lived until the age of eighty-four in a long widowhood, considered very honourable among Jews. M. Godet translates : « widowed for eighty-four years ». Wisdom, the understanding of the knowledge of God and man, in its practical application to life, was the outstanding feature of Jesus’ character as a child. Jesus went through all the stages of normal development, the only one who was fulfilled on earth, the only one who freed himself from all the deleterious attacks of evil and continued harmoniously through constant communion with God.

Deacon Michel Houyoux

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Links to other Christian websites

◊ By Fr. Tommy Lane : click here to read the paper → homily sermon on The Holy Family of  Nazareth

◊ OUR PARISH PRIEST  : click here to read the paper → FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY B


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