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Mercoledì della seconda settimana del Tempo Ordinario dell’anno B

Posté par diaconos le 13 janvier 2021

Gesù guarisce molte persone con ogni tipo di malattia


# I miracoli sono numerosi nell’antica letteratura ebraica e greco-latina: le iscrizioni riportano guarigioni miracolose a Epidaure, il santuario greco del dio della medicina Asclepio; i romani hanno i loro guaritori come Apollonio di Tiana, gli ebrei i loro rabbini taumaturgici come Honi HaMe’aguel o Hanina ben Dossa. Il biblista protestante Gerd Theissen2 e il teologo gesuita Xavier Léon-Dufour3 indicano trentatré motivi che emergeranno nei racconti evangelici dei miracoli.

Secondo il teologo protestante Daniel Marguerat, « si è scoperto che, nella varietà dei loro motivi e dei loro personaggi, queste narrazioni si presentavano come infinite variazioni dello stesso genere stereotipato, che si trova in abbondanza nella cultura greco-romana ». Esegeti come John P. Meier o Craig S. Keener si sono così basati sul ruolo degli operatori di miracoli nell’antichità ebraica e sul criterio dell’attestazione multipla per affermare la storicità di certi miracoli come guarigioni o esorcismi, tenendo conto dei testi evangelici che li evocano (sintesi evangeliche8 , storie di miracoli, frasi di Gesù) e della loro stratificazione (aspetti teologici, leggendari e fattuali).


Dal Vangelo di Gesù Cristo secondo San Marco

In questo momento, uscendo immediatamente dalla sinagoga di Cafarnao, Gesù e i suoi discepoli si recarono con Giacomo e Giovanni nella casa di Simone e Andrea. Ora la suocera di Simon era a letto con la febbre. Subito dissero a Gesù della donna malata. Gesù è venuto e l’ha presa per mano e l’ha sollevata. La febbre l’ha lasciata, e lei li ha serviti.

Quando venne la sera, dopo il tramonto del sole, gli portarono tutti coloro che erano malati o posseduti dai demoni. Tutta la città si precipitava alla porta. Ha guarito molte persone con ogni tipo di malattia e ha scacciato molti demoni; ha impedito ai demoni di parlare, perché sapevano chi era.

Il giorno dopo, Gesù si alzò ben prima dell’alba. Uscì e si recò in un luogo deserto, e lì pregò. Simon e quelli che erano con lui sono usciti a cercarlo. Lo trovarono e gli dissero : « Tutti ti stanno cercando. »  Gesù disse loro : « Andiamo in un altro luogo, nei villaggi vicini, perché anche lì io possa annunciare il Vangelo; per questo sono venuto fuori ». E si aggirava per tutta la Galilea, annunciando il Vangelo nelle loro sinagoghe e scacciando i demoni. (Mk 1, 29-39)

Gesù guarì un gran numero di malati

La storia di questa guarigione è uno dei pezzi comuni di Marco e Luca che non si trovano in Matteo. Marco indica che Gesù ha compiuto questa guarigione su richiesta dei suoi discepoli. Luca si accorse che lo interrogavano o lo consultavano sulla donna malata. Così si sono abituati a ricorrere a lui in tutti i loro guai. Aspettarono di portare a Lui i loro malati finché il sole non fosse tramontato, cioè finché non fosse passato il sabato, perché pensavano che sarebbe stata una violazione del resto della giornata.

Gli evangelisti distinguono i malati dai demoniaci : « La sera portavano a Gesù molti uomini demoniaci. La maggior parte della gente della città si è radunata alla porta della casa dove alloggiava Gesù ».  Gesù impose loro il silenzio per evitare che parlassero di lui, perché lo conoscevano e gli avrebbero dato una testimonianza che Gesù respingeva.

Ci sono stati molti altri miracoli che Gesù ha compiuto e che non sono menzionati nei racconti evangelici. Giovanni stesso osservava : « Gesù ha fatto molto di più alla presenza dei suoi discepoli. »

Gesù uscì dalla sua casa dove compì queste guarigioni. Si ritirò in un luogo deserto per immergere nuovamente la sua anima nella comunione di Dio, suo Padre : lì pregò. Questa menzione delle preghiere di Gesù ricorre abbastanza frequentemente nei Vangeli, gettando una luce brillante sul rapporto di Gesù con suo Padre durante il tempo della sua discesa sulla terra. Aveva bisogno di preghiera.

Il diacono Michel Houyoux.

 Link con altri siti web cristiani

◊ Qumran : clicca qui per leggere l’articolo → TESTO Gesù guarì molti dalla malattia 

◊ Parola di Vita  : clicca qui per leggere l’articolo → Gesù guarisce e scaccia i demoni

Omelia del Don Francesco Cristofar0

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Publié dans articles en Italien, Enseignement, Page jeunesse, Religion, TEMPO ORDINARIO, Temps ordinaire | Pas de Commentaire »

Mercredi de la deuxième semaine du Temps ordinaire dans l’anée B

Posté par diaconos le 13 janvier 2021

Jésus guérit beaucoup de gens atteints de toutes sortes de maladies


# Les miracles sont nombreux dans la littérature antique juive et gréco-latine : les inscriptions rapportent des guérisons miraculeuses à Épidaure, le sanctuaire grec du dieu de la médecine Asclépios ; les Romains ont leurs guérisseurs comme Apollonius de Tyane, les juifs leurs rabbis thaumaturges comme Honi HaMe’aguel ou Hanina ben Dossa. Le bibliste protestant Gerd Theissen2 et le théologien jésuite Xavier Léon-Dufour3 relèvent trente-trois motifs qui affleureraient dans les récits évangéliques de miracles.

Selon le théologien protestant Daniel Marguerat, « il s’est avéré que dans la variété de leurs motifs et de leurs personnages, ces récits se présentaient comme les variations infinies d’un même genre, stéréotypé, que l’on retrouve en abondance dans la culture gréco-romaine». Les exégètes comme John P. Meier ou Craig S. Keener se basèrent ainsi sur le rôle des thaumaturges dans l’antiquité juive et le critère d’attestation multiple pour affirmer l’historicité de certains miracles tels que des guérisons ou des exorcismes, en prenant en compte les textes évangéliques qui les évoquent (sommaires évangéliques8, récits de miracles, sentences de Jésus) et leur stratification (aspects théologiques, légendaires et faits bruts)


Évangile de Jésus Christ selon saint Marc

En ce temps-là, aussitôt sortis de la synagogue de Capharnaüm, Jésus et ses disciples allèrent, avec Jacques et Jean, dans la maison de Simon et d’André. Or, la belle-mère de Simon était au lit, elle avait de la fièvre. Aussitôt, on parla à Jésus de la malade. Jésus s’approcha, la saisit par la main et la fit lever. La fièvre la quitta, et elle les servait.

Le soir venu, après le coucher du soleil, on lui amenait tous ceux qui étaient atteints d’un mal ou possédés par des démons. La ville entière se pressait à la porte. Il guérit  beaucoup de gens atteints de toutes sortes de maladies, et il expulsa beaucoup de démons ; il empêchait les démons de parler, parce qu’ils savaient, eux, qui il était.

Le lendemain, Jésus se leva, bien avant l’aube. Il sortit et se rendit dans un endroit désert, et là il priait. Simon et ceux qui étaient avec lui partirent à sa recherche. Ils le trouvent et lui disent : « Tout le monde te cherche. » Jésus leur dit : « Allons ailleurs, dans les villages voisins, afin que là aussi je proclame l’Évangile ; car c’est pour cela que je suis sorti. » Et il parcourut toute la Galilée, proclamant l’Évangile dans leurs synagogues, et expulsant les démons. (Mc 1, 29-39)

Jésus guérissait un grand nombre de malades

Le récit de cette guérison est un des morceaux communs à Marc et à Luc qui ne se trouvent pas dans Matthieu. Marc, indiqua que Jésus opéra cette guérison à la demande de ses disciples. Luc remarqua qu’ils l’interrogèrent ou le consultèrent au sujet de la malade. Ainsi ils s’habituèrent à avoir recours à lui dans toutes leurs détresses. Ils attendirent, pour lui amener leurs malades, que le soleil fût couché, c’est-à-dire que le sabbat fût passé, parce qu’ils estimèrent que c’eût été violer le repos de ce jour.

Les évangélistes distinguèrent ceux qui se portaient mal d’avec les démoniaques : « Le soir, on amena auprès de Jésus plusieurs démoniaques. Il chassa les esprits par sa parole, et il guérit tous les malades » (Mt 8, 16)  La plupart  des habitants de la ville se pressèrent  à la porte de la demeure où Jésus se trouvait. Jésus leur imposa silence pour les empêcher de parler de lui, parce qu’ils le connaissaient, et que, dés lors, ils lui auraient rendu un témoignage que Jésus rejeta.

Il y eut beaucoup d’autres miracles qui fit Jésus et qui ne sont pas mentionnés dans les récits des évangélistes. Jean en fit lui-même l’observation : « Jésus a fait encore, en présence de ses disciples, beaucoup d’autres.

Jésus sortit de sa demeure où il opéra ces guérisons. Il se retira dans un lieu désert pour y retremper son âme dans la communion de Dieu, son Père : là il pria. Cette mention des prières de Jésus qui revient assez fréquemment dans les évangiles, éclairant d’une vive lumière les rapports de Jésus avec son Père durant le temps de son abaissement sur la terre. Il eut besoin de la prière.

Diacre Michel Houyoux.

 Liens avec d’autres sites web chrétiens

◊ Valtorta (France) : cliquez ici pour lire l’article  → Guérison de la belle-mère de Pierre – Valtorta.fr

◊ Ressources chrétiennes  : cliquez ici pour lire l’article  →  Guérison de la belle-mère de Pierre

KTO : Jésus guérit » « Paraboles d’un curé de campagne »

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Publié dans Catéchèse, Page jeunesse, Religion, Temps ordinaire | Pas de Commentaire »

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time of Year B

Posté par diaconos le 13 janvier 2021

And when they saw where he dwelt, they stayed with him

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time of Year B dans Catéchèse KJV_John_1-39

# The Apostles, are the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus also distinguished seventy disciples, who later became bishops of a city. All these disciples preached the Good News, an expression that gave birth to the word gospel, after the texts were written in the years 65-100. Paul of Tarsus was considered the thirteenth apostle by Christian tradition: he was called the apostle of the Gentiles. Both Catholics and Orthodox consider the bishops to be the successors of the apostles, and attach particular importance to the fact that the bishops are in the apostolic succession.

The Group of Twelve remained after the Resurrection of Jesus. After the betrayal and death of Judas, the Eleven who remained decided to draw a disciple by lot, Matthias, to become with us witnesses of the resurrection. They were, together with other disciples, the beneficiaries of the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost. After the killing of James, brother of John, by Herod Agrippa I in 44, the group was not renewed, although they returned to Jerusalem regularly to report.

# During the life and ministry of Jesus, the apostles were his closest followers and became the primary teachers of the gospel message of Jesus. While Christian tradition often refers to the apostles as being twelve in number, different gospel writers give different names for the same individual, and apostles mentioned in one gospel are not mentioned in others. There is also an Eastern Christian tradition derived from the Gospel of Luke of there having been as many as 70 apostles during the time of Jesus’ ministry.

The commissioning of the Twelve Apostles during the ministry of Jesus is recorded in the Synoptic Gospels. After his resurrection, Jesus sent eleven of them (minus Judas Iscariot, who by then had died) by the Great Commission to spread his teachings to all nations. In modern usage, missionaries under Pentecostal movements often refer to themselves as apostles, a practice which stems from the Latin equivalent of apostle, i.e. missio, the source of the English word missionary. During the 1st century AD, the apostles established churches throughout the territories of the Roman Empire and, according to tradition, through the Middle East, Africa, and India.


From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John

At that time, John the Baptist was with two of his disciples. Looking at Jesus who was coming and going, he said, « Behold the Lamb of God. « The two disciples heard what he was saying, and they followed Jesus. Turning around, Jesus saw that they were following him and said to them  :  « What are you looking for ? »
They answered him : « Rabbi – that is to say, Master, where are you staying ?  » He said to them : « Come and see. « They went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. It was about the tenth hour (about four o’clock in the afternoon).

Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two disciples who had heard the word of John and followed Jesus. First he found Simon, his own brother, and said to him, « We have found the Messiah » – which means Christ. Andrew brought his brother to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, « You are Simon, the son of John; your name will be Kephas » – which means Peter.  (Jn 1, 35-42)

The first group of disciples

John the Baptist addressed two of his disciples to Jesus: On the third day, John again designated Jesus to two of his disciples as the Lamb of God. The disciples followed Jesus and were received by him in his house. This was the tenth hour. The two disciples sought their brothers and brought them to Jesus: Andrew, the first, met his brother Simon and said to him :  « We have found the Messiah! Jesus changes Simon’s name to Cephas. »

Nathanael, met by Philip and informed by him that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah, manifested unbelief, then, convinced by a word of Jesus, which showed superhuman science, he greeted him as the Son of God and the King of Israel. Jesus announced greater revelations to him.

John, having fixed his gaze on Jesus, did not address these words precisely to his two followers, but he spoke them for them. They heard the same testimony the day before, more complete, and this allusion was enough to make them want to get to know Him more closely, whom their master had announced to them. This was the humble and unselfish intention of this servant of God.

They followed him, seeking to draw near to him. This is not yet the moment when they will consecrate themselves to his service, yet it has been said with good reason : « These were the first origins of the Christian Church. » (Bengal)

Jesus, seeing these two young men following him to enter into a relationship with him, warned them kindly and thus facilitated a meeting that decided their lives. This title of Rabbi, although very honourable among the Jews, remained far below the idea that these two disciples had of Jesus according to the testimony they heard; but for the time being, they did not dare to rise any higher when addressing Jesus.

The two disciples inquired about Jesus’ dwelling place, with the intention of visiting him later, but he invited them to do so immediately, and when they saw and heard him, they took him for granted forever. True faith, which is the trust of the heart, is born only from immediate contact with Jesus.

John adopted this division of the day used by all the ancient peoples, who counted the hours from sunrise, and not, as Tholuck, Ebrard, Ewald, Westcott, Keil thought. This first encounter with his Jesus left John with such an indelible memory that when he wrote his Gospel half a century later, he indicated the precise time.

Deacon Michel Houyoux

Links to other Christian Web sites

◊ Father Hanly : click here to red the paper → Homily for 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B 

◊ The Thread  : click here to red the paper → The First Four Disciples

First group of early church fathers

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Publié dans Catéchèse, Disciples de Jésus, La messe du dimanche, Page jeunesse, Temps ordinaire | Pas de Commentaire »


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