Second Sunday in Lent – Year B
Posté par diaconos le 28 février 2021
The glory and the cross
# The Transfiguration is an episode in the life of Jesus Christ as recorded in the New Testament. It is a change in Jesus’ bodily appearance for a few moments of his earthly life, to reveal his divine nature to three disciples. This physical state, considered miraculous, is reported in the three synoptic Gospels : (Mt 17,1-9, Mk 9,2-9, Lk 9,28-36). It is, according to Christianity, the prefiguration of the bodily state announced to the believers for their own resurrection. The traditional place of the Transfiguration is Mount Tabor, near Lake Tiberias.
Some exegetes situate the event at Mount Hermon, since the evangelical episodes that frame it are located in this region. For the Maronites, the Transfiguration took place in the region of Bcharré, on Mount Lebanon. For the Catholic Church, the immediate aim of the Transfiguration was to prepare the hearts of the disciples to overcome the scandal of the cross. The Transfiguration is also a proclamation of the « marvellous adoption which will make all believers sons of God . The Orthodox Church also celebrates the Transfiguration. In the Ethiopian Church, the feast is called Buhe.
From the Gospel according to Saint Mark
Jesus takes Peter, James and John with him, and leads them away alone on a high mountain. And he was transfigured before them. His clothes became so shining, so white that no one on earth can achieve such whiteness. And Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.
Then Peter spoke and said to Jesus, « Rabbi, it is good that we are here. Let us make three tents: one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah ». In fact, he did not know what to say, so great was their fear. A cloud came and covered them with its shadow, and from the cloud a voice was heard : » This is my beloved Son. Hear him ».
Suddenly, looking around, they saw only Jesus alone with them. When Jesus came down from the mountain, he forbade them to tell anyone what they had seen before the Son of Man had risen from the dead. And they stuck firmly to this order, while wondering among themselves what it meant to rise from the dead. He was transfigured before them. (Mk 9, 2-10).
Lord Jesus, I entrust this new day to you. Increase in me faith, hope and charity. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Lord, may your light shine in my heart throughout this Lent.
Today we contemplate the scene « in which Peter, James and John are in ecstasy before the beauty of the Redeemer » (John Paul II) : « And he was transfigured before them. His clothes became shining » (Mk 9:2-3). As far as we are concerned, we can glimpse a message in what Saint Paul assures his disciple Timothy : « He destroyed death and made life and immortality shine through the Gospel » (2Tim 1:10).
This is what we contemplate with amazement, as the three chosen apostles did at the time, in this episode of the Gospel of the Second Sunday of Lent: the Transfiguration.
It does us good to welcome, in our Lenten exercise, this burst of sunshine and light that is reflected in the face and clothing of Jesus. They form a wonderful icon of redeemed humanity, since the ugliness of sin is no longer there, in its place there is the beauty that the divinity transmits to our flesh. Peter’s happiness is the one we feel when we allow ourselves to be invaded by divine grace.
The Holy Spirit also transfigures the senses of the apostles and this is how they can see the divine glory of Jesus Man. The eyes were transfigured to see what is radiant, the ears were transfigured to hear the sublime and real voice of the Father who is pleased in his Son. The whole results are a little too surprising for us, accustomed as we are to the greyish grey of mediocrity.
Only if we allow ourselves to be touched by the Lord will our senses be able to see and hear what is most beautiful and joyful in God and in those who have been raised to holiness by Him who rose from the dead.
John Paul II wrote : « Christian spirituality has as its characteristic the duty of the disciple to configure himself entirely with his Master », so that – through an assiduity that could be called « friendly » – we will reach the point of « breathing the same feelings ». Let us place in the hands of the Virgin Mary the objective of achieving our true « trans-figuration » in her Son Jesus Christ.
Lord, come into my heart, give me the strength and grace to accompany you throughout this Lent. May your light and your voice illuminate my steps and guide me, as they did your apostles. Let us take a moment of prayer to entrust to the Lord all those who suffer.
Deacon Michel Houyoux
◊ Deacon Michel Houyoux: click here to read the article → Second Sunday in Lent
Homily by Father Valan Arockiaswamy
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