Monday of the Sixth Week of Ordinary Time – Odd Year
Posté par diaconos le 15 février 2021
Why is this generation looking for a sign ?
Jesus got back into the boat and went to the other coast
# Leaven is a parable of Jesus Christ written in two Gospels. It is a metaphor that can be interpreted in two opposite ways. Some say that leaven represents the divine work and bread is the world. According to this view, the church is the leaven that acts in the world. The other interpretation presents a completely opposite explanation: it is rather the influence of the world that would spread within the church.
In the history of the church, both interpretations have had their share of popularity. The majority of biblical commentators of our time prefer the first option, the church exerts an influence comparable to that of the leaven in the dough. Jesus warned his disciples about bad leaven: « Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees! « (Mt 16:6), showing that the disciples received something bad from the Pharisees. Perhaps it was anguish, perhaps it was also an outward sign that they were perfectible in their role as priests? In any case, Jesus tried to show his disciples that they had control over what was going on inside their hearts. It was up to them to ask Jesus for peace to return to them in order to chase away this bad leaven.
From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark
At that time the Pharisees came and began to talk with Jesus ; to put him to the test, they sought a sign from heaven. Jesus sighed deep within himself and said, « Why is this generation looking for a sign ? Amen, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation. « Then he left them, got into the boat and went to the other side. » (Mk 8:11-13)
The leaven of the Pharisees
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, Jesus said to his disciples. As they forgot to take bread for the journey, they thought that this warning was related to their forgetfulness. Jesus, in a series of pressing questions, rebuked them for their lack of intelligence and faith and forced them to remember the circumstances in which he multiplied the loaves twice.
Various features of this account were peculiar to Mark: firstly, Jesus’ sigh about the unbelief and cunning of those men who only asked him for a miracle to tempt him; then the question: why? which presupposes the bad intentions of the adversaries and the complete uselessness of granting their request, in the dispositions in which they were; finally, the intentional repetition of the words: this race, by which Jesus’ refusal extended to every man who came to him for reasons similar to those of the Pharisees.
On the other side, the eastern shore of the lake, where Jesus returned, after having been there shortly before. Mark spoke of the disciples without naming them. They forgot to take with them the small provision of bread which they needed for the journey across the lake. Mark alone noted this detail, which could only have come from an eyewitness, that they had only one loaf of bread with them. It was on the basis of these characteristics that Mark was recognised as Peter’s interpreter.
Deacon Michel Houyoux
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