The Lord’s Resurrection
Posté par diaconos le 4 avril 2021
Easter is the most important festival in Christianity. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus. The solemnity, preceded by Holy Week, the last part of Lent, begins on the night before Easter Sunday with the Easter vigil. The date of Easter is set for the first Sunday after the first full moon after 21 March, i.e. at the earliest on 22 March if the full moon falls on the evening of the 21st, and at the latest on 25 April. The Western Churches, having adopted both the Gregorian reform of the calendar and a concomitant correction for the lunar cycle, often have a different day of celebration than the Orthodox Churches.
Because of the different calendars (Gregorian and Julian) of the two traditions, the equinox does not necessarily fall on the same lunation, and there may be an additional week’s shift due to the fact that the two traditions do not use the same ecclesiastical moon and therefore the phases of the moon may be off by a day or two and on either side of a Sunday. Some Christian churches choose to observe the Quartodecimal Passover in accordance with the Jewish Passover.
From the Gospel according to St John
On the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb early in the morning, while it is still dark. She sees that the stone has been removed from the tomb. So she ran to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said to them, « The Lord has been taken from his tomb, and we do not know where he has been laid. So Peter set out with the other disciple to go to the tomb. They both ran together, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and reached the tomb first. When he bent down, he saw that the shroud was still there, but he did not enter. Simon Peter, who had been following him, arrives in his turn. He enters the tomb and looks at the shroud that is still there, and at the cloth that had covered the head, which is not laid with the shroud, but rolled up in its place. Then the other disciple came in, who had been the first to reach the tomb. He saw and believed. Until then, the disciples had not seen that according to the Scriptures Jesus had to be raised from the dead. « Then the other disciple came in, who was the first to arrive at the tomb. He saw and believed » (Jn 20, -9)
« Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum sum » (« I am risen and am always with you »): so begins the official entrance hymn of the Easter Mass. Yes, Lord, you have conquered death and are still with me, you are the intimate friend of my soul. Lord Jesus, through your Resurrection, come to revive me
Today is the day that the Lord has made, let it be for us a day of celebration and joy, » we sing throughout Easter. This phrase from Psalm 117 floods the celebration of the Christian faith. The Father has raised his Son Jesus Christ, the Beloved, the One in whom he is well pleased because he loved to the point of giving his life for all.
So let us live our Easter joy. Christ has risen: let us celebrate this resurrection with joy and love. Today, Jesus Christ has conquered death, sin, sadness… and has opened for us the doors to a new life, the authentic life that the Holy Spirit gives us by pure grace. Let no one be sad! Christ is our Peace and our Way, forever. Today He « fully manifests man to himself and reveals to him the sublimity of his vocation » (Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et Spes 22).
This is the great sign that the Gospel gives us today: the tomb of Jesus is empty. We no longer have to search among the dead for the living One, for He has risen. And the disciples who later see Him risen, that is, recognise Him as alive in a wonderful encounter of faith, realise that His tomb is empty.
The empty tomb and the apparitions will be the great signs for the faith of believers. The Gospel says: « Then the other disciple came in, who was the first to reach the tomb. He saw and believed » (Jn 20:8). He knew by faith that this emptiness, together with the shroud and the linen cloth rolled aside, were the small signs of God’s passage, of new life.
Love knows how to grasp what others miss; small signs are enough for it. « The other disciple, whom Jesus loved » (Jn 20:2), was guided by the love he had received from Christ. Let us renew ourselves in our Easter faith. May Christ be our Lord in everything. Let us allow his Life to vivify ours and renew the grace of our baptism.
Let us become his apostles and disciples. Guided by love, let us proclaim everywhere our happiness in believing in Jesus Christ. Let us be joyful and hopeful witnesses of his Resurrection. Lord, you are present, you are here, risen, near me. Flood my heart with your strength and your love, may your Resurrection give new life to my life.
Joy is not only a feeling, but it also depends on our will, we can decide to be joyful by meditating on the deep reasons for our joy. Today, let us try to live the joy of Easter, to rejoice because Christ is risen and shares his life with us.
Write an Easter message
◊ Diacon Michel Houyoux : click here to read the paper → Resurrection of the Lord – Year B
♥ The Gift of the Lord’s Resurrection
Publié dans fêtes religieuses, La messe du dimanche, Religion, Temps pascal | Pas de Commentaire »