Saturday of the Second Week in Pascal Time
Posté par diaconos le 17 avril 2021
They saw Jesus walking on the sea
# The Walking on the Waters is an episode in the life of Jesus of Nazareth and his apostles that appears in some of the New Testament Gospels that show « Jesus walking on the waters ». It is one of the miracles performed by Jesus in the specific context of the dominion of nature, where we see Peter, the figure of the Church, leaving the Jewish home, in obedience to the Lord, relying on the power of his word. In the Gospel according to Mark, the disciples, says Camille Focant, responded to the epiphany of Jesus on the lake as did those outside who saw and heard without understanding, because their hearts were hardened.
This expression had so far only been used for the Pharisees just before they plotted Jesus’ death. Rudolf Bultmann demythologised this gospel episode and placed it among the theological statements presented in the biblical accounts as historical facts. For Origen, the boat represents our lives in the stormy winds and waves imposed by evil. In spite of all the vicissitudes that occur, Christ wants humans to hold the course of the virtues well; and when they are downcast, tired, they do not see the other shore
From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John
When evening came, the disciples of Jesus went down to the sea. They set sail for Capernaum on the other side. It was already dark, and Jesus had not yet reached the disciples. A strong wind was blowing and the sea was rough. The disciples had rowed twenty-five or thirty furlongs (about five thousand metres) when they saw Jesus walking on the sea and approaching the boat. Then they were afraid. But he said to them : « It is I. Do not be afraid any longer. « The disciples wanted to take him into the boat; immediately the boat touched land where they were going. « (Jn 6, 16-21)
Jesus revealed himself as the source of spiritual life
As soon as the people were convinced that Jesus was the Messiah, they enthusiastically proclaimed him King. But how false were the crowd’s ideas about this kingship ! They had no desire for the true freedom of inner freedom from sin, which could have become the means of their freedom from the political and social tyranny under which they groaned. The contradiction between the prevailing opinion and the thoughts of Jesus, as to the means of deliverance and the nature of His reign, was to become ever more pronounced, and eventually lead the people to reject their Messiah. So that, as Mr. Luthardt rightly observed : « The false enthusiasm with which Jesus was here subjected was the signal for his rejection and death. »
Jesus revealed himself as the source of spiritual life, but a life that he could only communicate to the world by his death. By this death he founded a kingship of which the people had no idea! That is why Jesus withdrew in the face of the ovations, which indicated that he had come down from the mountain to which he alone had ascended. The disciples went down to the sea : this expression does not force us to admit that the multiplication took place on the mountain, but on a plateau between it and the lake.
According to the synoptics, it was Jesus himself who gave the order to his disciples to go back to the sea and cross the lake. They were reluctant to do so. Jesus forced them to leave. John’s account explains why they were reluctant and why Jesus had to use authority: to keep them from being carried away by the false enthusiasm that arose. The storm that overtook the disciples must have singularly increased their regret at being separated from Jesus.
They struggled against the wind and waves most of the night, but had not gone more than twenty-five or thirty furlongs ; they had almost reached the middle of the lake (Matthew 14, 24), which was forty wide (4536, Mile) Suddenly the disciples saw Jesus walking on the lake and approaching their boat. Not recognising him at first, they thought he was a ghost and were afraid.
Diacon Michel Houyoux
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◊ The Irish Province of the Order Carmelites : click here to read the paper → Reflections on the Daily Readings
◊ God’s Word for You : click here to read the paper → Jesus Christ – the Source of Life
Video Lutheran Church of the Master
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