Monday of the Seventh Week in Pascal Time
Posté par diaconos le 17 mai 2021
Take heart ! I am the winner of the world

# The Christian faith (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Evangelical) is the belief in the divine Trinity, (God the Father, Jesus Christ, his son and the Holy Spirit) and in the certainty of the redemption of sins brought about by the passion and resurrection of Jesus. It is expressed synthetically in the different versions of the creed (‘I believe’ in Latin).
The creed has two main versions: the Nicene-Constantinopolitan symbol and the Apostles’ symbol. Various Christian confessions of faith present a summary of particular Christian beliefs according to denomination. The Christian faith is based on the Bible. Biblical faith is therefore primarily about trust in God, before it is about belief or dogmatic content.
In the Gospels, Jesus compares the believer to a man who builds his house on the rock and thus makes it truly indestructible. He gives Simon, the first disciple to recognise him as the Messiah and Son of God, the nickname ‘Peter’, an allusion to the faith that makes him a rock. In addition to the creed, Catholicism is characterised by the ‘deposit of faith’, which includes the Scriptures and Tradition6 , whereas Protestantism and evangelical Christianity rely solely on the Scriptures.
From the Gospel according to John
29 His disciples said to him, « Behold, you speak openly and no longer in images. 30 Now we know that you know all things, and you do not need to be questioned; that is why we believe that you came forth from God. « 31 Jesus answered them, « Now you believe! 32 « Behold, the hour is coming – it has already come – when you will be scattered, each to his own, and you will leave me alone; but I am not alone, for the Father is with me. 33 This is what I have said to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have to suffer, but take courage! I am the winner over the world. « (Jn 16, 29-33)
The disciples’ profession of faith
The last words of Jesus made a deep impression on the minds of the disciples; they finally understood, to some extent, what Jesus had revealed to them about himself; they unanimously professed their faith, which had received such a bright light. Every word they used was taken from the very words Jesus spoke.
It was the conviction that Jesus knew all things and that they no longer needed to question him, because he knew the thoughts of their hearts and spontaneously answered all the questions they put to him; it was the confession of their faith in the great revelation about the divine origin of Jesus : « We believe that you came from God. «
All this was not postponed to the future, but really existed in their hearts. Jesus, with deep joy, approved and encouraged the sincere profession of faith of his disciples. Only he added a serious warning to make them vigilant. Many exegetes and editors of the text have turned this word of Jesus into a question : « Do you believe now ? «
Jesus regarded the disciples’ profession of faith as premature and warned them of their imminent defection; this interpretation took no account of the peaceful and encouraging words which ended this discourse, nor of the fact that in the priestly prayer Jesus gave a confident testimony to his disciples’ faith.
« Let not your faith fail. You, therefore, when you have returned, strengthen your brothers. » (Lk 22, 32) This warning was intended to provoke self-doubt, vigilance and prayer in the souls of the disciples; by these means, they could have prevented a deep and painful fall.If the faith of the disciples bore the harsh shock that hit them, this faith did not fail, because Jesus sustained it by his prayer.
Jesus added : « You will leave me alone ! » This sadness concerned his disciples more than himself, for the deep solitude in which he found himself was filled by the presence and love of his Father, who was always with him : « He who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, because I always do what is pleasing to him » (Jn 8, 29).
Jesus’ last words to his disciples were words of peace, courage and victory! All that he had said to them so far had no other purpose than this: that in Jesus they would have peace. Peace, peace of heart, that supreme good with which no man can be unhappy, peace, always drawn from Jesus, in an intimate and living communion with him, was the heritage that Jesus left them.
There was a formidable adversary to this peace: the world, the enemy of God and his truth, the world in the midst of which Jesus left them. Jesus saw his victory over the world already accomplished by his death, by his resurrection, by his glory. It was there that the disciples always drew the courage that these words inspired in them.
Deacon Michel Houyoux
Links ♥to other Christian websites
◊ The anointed Writer : click here toread the paper →Take Heart – I have Overcome the World
◊ Got Quesytions : click here toread the paper → What is a profession of faith ?
♥ Peter’s Profession of Faith
Publié dans comportements, Méditation, Page jeunesse, Religion, Temps pascal | Pas de Commentaire »