Saturday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time – Odd Year
Posté par diaconos le 29 mai 2021
By what authority do you do this ?
# The Unfaithful Vinedressers is a parable of Jesus Christ recorded in the Gospels of Matthew (Mt 21:33-46), Mark (Mk 12:1-12) and Luke (Lk 20:9-19), and in the Apocryphal Gospel of Thomas (Thomas 65). It urges one to bear fruit, that is, to be faithful and obedient to Christ’s commandments. She threatens divine punishment for anyone who rejects Jesus. In his homily LXVIII on St. Matthew, John Chrysostom says that the servants sent are the prophets, and the Son of the vinedresser, Jesus Christ.
God asks humans to bear fruit like the vine in this parable; this is similar to the parable of the True Vine (Jn 15:1-12). The cornerstone is also Jesus Christ. During the Angelus on Sunday 2 October 2011, Pope Benedict XVI commented that the vine, the people of God, must work for good and that believers must remain faithful to Christ in order to bear the desired fruit, the fruit of compassion.
In their commentary on this parable, the exegete Daniel Marguerat and Emmanuelle Steffelk point out that the killing of the beloved son is an allegory of the Passion of Christ. They add, with regard to the rejection of the cornerstone (Luke 20:15-19), that the rejected stone [Jesus] becomes a dangerous stone, a stone of crushing. It is understood that « the attitude towards him [Jesus] decides the ultimate fate of the person ». « Clearly: those who despise Jesus expose themselves to divine judgment.
From the Gospel according to Mark
27 Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem. And as Jesus went to and fro in the Temple, the chief priests, the scribes and the elders came to him. 28 They asked him, « By what authority are you doing this? Or who gave you the authority to do this? « 29 Jesus said to them, « I am going to ask you just one question. Answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I am doing this. 30 Did John’s baptism come from heaven or from men? Answer me. «
31 They reasoned among themselves, « If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will say, ‘Why then did you not believe his word?’ 32 But shall we say, ‘From men ? « They were afraid of the crowd, because everyone thought that John was really a prophet. 33 So they answered Jesus, « We don’t know! « Then Jesus said to them, « Nor do I tell you by what authority I do this. « ( Mk 11, 27-33)
The parable of the vineyard workers
As Jesus returned to Jerusalem and walked through the porticoes of the temple, a delegation from the Sanhedrin came to ask him by what authority he was acting and who gave him that authority. Jesus answered with a question about John’s baptism. If Jesus’ opponents claimed that this baptism came from heaven, Jesus would reproach them for not believing it; if they denied its divine inspiration, they would have to fear the people. They added: « We do not know. « Jesus refused to answer their question.
After repelling the attack of his opponents, Jesus described the past, present and future conduct of the leaders of the people with a parable. A man planted a vineyard, provided it with everything necessary for its operation, rented it out to vinedressers, and went away. In the season of fruit, he sent them a servant, then a second, then a third, followed by several others, to gather fruit from his vineyard; but the vinedressers mistreated some and killed others. He still had a son, his beloved, whom he sent to them, thinking that they would respect him. But the vinedressers saw him as the heir and killed him.
So what will the master of the vineyard do? He will destroy these wicked men and give it to others. For this word of Scripture will be fulfilled: The stone thrown by the builders is the corner stone, wonderful in our eyes. When the Sanhedrin understood that Jesus was targeting them, they wanted to arrest him, but the fear of the people held them back. They went away. According to Matthew and Luke, he was teaching in the temple when this account begins, which does not exclude the term used by Mark: « he went back and forth from one group to another and spoke to all those around him. «
In Matthew it was the priests and scribes themselves who said, « We fear the people »; according to Luke, they expressed the same idea in the words, « All the people will stone us. « The embarrassment of these cunning men was rendered in a more natural and refined way. They did not confess that they were afraid, they dared not conclude; but Mark related of them, « They feared the people. «
There was a severe judgment of God in this refusal. These men had made themselves morally incapable of receiving the truth. If Jesus had openly declared to them that his authority came from God, they would only have taken the opportunity to accuse and condemn him, as happened a few days later.
Deacon Michel Houyoux
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Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
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