Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year B
Posté par diaconos le 27 juillet 2024
# The multiplication of the loaves is the name given to two miracles performed by Jesus of Nazareth according to the texts of the Gospels: Matthew, chapter 14, verses 14 to 21, then again 15, 32-38; Mark 6, 34-44, then again Mark 8, 1-9; Luke 9, 12-17; John 6, 5-14. The first multiplication of the loaves took place after the death of John the Baptist at the behest of Herod Antipas, in response to the wishes of his daughter Salome and the healing of the sick.
A second multiplication of the loaves took place later, involving a different number of people. Matthew and Mark are the only evangelists to recount it. Some exegetes thought it was the same event told twice. However, the two miracles did not take place in the same place: in one case there were five thousand people, in the other four thousand. The number of extra baskets of bread was also different. Later Jesus referred to the two miracles, clearly distinguishing them (Matthew 16: 9-11). For the Doctor of the Church John Chrysostom, Jesus, in this miracle, truly posed himself as the creator of heaven and earth.
With this gesture, he encouraged people to pray before eating and wanted to show the importance of sharing. Modern theologians would say that the multiplication of the loaves is a symbol of the Word given by Christ, a word that has nourished people for centuries. For Saint Ephrem, during this miracle Jesus gave generously without counting the cost. He gave so much that twelve baskets remained. The saint also compared Jesus to Moses, who fed the people freed from slavery with manna that fell from heaven.
For Benedict XVI, in the Angelus of 31 July 2011, this messianic gesture is a symbol of fraternal sharing, but also a symbol of the path to be followed by the apostles, namely to transmit the Good News. In the Angelus of 29 July 2012, Benedict XVI emphasised that this multiplication is the beginning of the Eucharist, which continues to this day. According to some theological interpretations, it prefigures the Last Supper, Jesus‘ last meal with his disciples, establishing the rite of the Eucharist in which the bread would be the incarnation of Jesus’ body, given as a sacrifice on the cross to save humanity. For historians, the events evoked by the evangelists with these two reports remain enigmatic, although some hypotheses have been put forward.
From the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to John
At that time, Jesus passed by on the other side of the Sea of Galilee, the Sea of Tiberias. A large crowd followed him, because they had seen the signs he performed on the sick. Jesus went up the mountain and sat there with his disciples. There was the Lake of Tiberias. Jesus looked up and saw that a great crowd was coming to him. He said to Philip : ‘Where can we buy bread for them to eat?’ He said this to test him, because he knew exactly what he would do. Philip replied: ‘Two hundred days’ wages would not be enough to give everyone some bread. One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to him : ‘There is a boy who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what is that for so many people ?’
Jesus said : ‘Let the people sit down.’ There was a lot of grass there. So they sat down, about five thousand people. Then Jesus took the loaves and, after giving thanks, distributed them among the diners ; he also gave them all the fish they wanted. When they had eaten their fill, he said to his disciples : ‘Gather up the leftovers, that nothing may be lost. ‘ They collected and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves that were left over for those who took this food.
When the people saw the sign performed by Jesus, they said: ‘This is truly the prophet foretold, the one who is coming into the world’. But Jesus knew that they would take him away to make him their king; so he withdrew back to the mountains alone (Jn 6, 1-15).
Jesus feeds the crowd
When Jesus had crossed to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, he went up the mountain and sat down with his disciples. All his admirers followed him, eager for signs and healings. Seeing the large crowd that had come to him, Jesus felt immense compassion and pity for them, who expected everything from him. Jesus saw the needs of the people. The miracle he performed was a gesture of love. Jesus said to Philip: ‘Where can we buy bread for them to eat?’. They gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves that were left over for those who took this food. When the people saw the sign performed by Jesus, they said : ‘This is truly the prophet foretold, the one who is coming into the world’. But Jesus knew that they would take him away to make him their king; so he withdrew back to the mountains alone (Jn 6, 1-15).
Jesus feeds the crowd
Then Jesus had crossed to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, he went up the mountain and sat down with his disciples. All his admirers followed him, eager for signs and healings. Seeing the large crowd that had come to him, Jesus felt immense compassion and pity for them, who expected everything from him. Jesus saw the needs of the people. The miracle he performed was a gesture of love. Jesus said to Philip: ’
Where can we buy bread for them to eat? This question is still relevant today. Jesus asks us to look at the most natural needs of the people: to have something to eat! He tells us: simply to eat! Jesus takes us back to our daily life, to our daily bread. To love… It is there, in the ordinary services of our days, that we must love. There, in the crowd, was a boy with five barley loaves and two fish. He had provisions, while the others had nothing to eat. Jesus was struck by the misery of the crowd and performed a miracle.
In front of St Vincent de Paul, Abbé Pierre, Coluche, he launched the Restos du Coeur for the first time. He served the crowd a free meal : bread and fish, and he did not skimp on quantity : the leftovers filled twelve baskets ! Before nourishing the mind and heart, Jesus knows that we must nourish the body. We must never forget this primordial need : give food ! The priority given to the poor by Pope John Paul II is a profoundly evangelical attitude : ‘I give you this bread because I love you’.
In the multiplication of the loaves, Jesus wants us to discover the proclamation of the Eucharist. Thus, in this story, we were close to the feast of the Passover, to the date of the Last Supper and the sacrifice of the cross: Jesus took the bread and gave thanks (this is the word Eucharist) and distributed it as on the evening of Holy Thursday. The order given to Philip to take the bread to feed the crowd, and the presence of the apostles filling twelve baskets with the remaining pieces, is an allusion to the Church being invited to distribute the Bread of Life (the Eucharist) to the people.
‘When you open your hand, you fill and satiate everyone who lives’. (In every Eucharistic celebration we are invited to this same gesture of giving that God can multiply. Do we realise that we are guests at the table of the Lord ? This Gospel story is an invitation to generosity and sharing. But it also tells us that nothing is insignificant and that we must never be discouraged by the weakness of our means. Let us offer our small capacities to the Lord, who will multiply them.
Deacon Michel Houyoux
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Publié dans Bible, Catéchèse, Dieu, Enseignement, évangiles, Foi, Histoire, L'Église, Nouveau Testament, Page jeunesse, Paroisses, Religion, Temps ordinaire | Pas de Commentaire »